P3054 스타터 모터
VCDS P0615 - Starter Relay 7N0 951 253
Starter Relay 7N0 951 253스타터 릴레이 VCDS 스타트모터 고장 코드 ▶P3054 - Starter fails to turn Electrical/mechanical faultP3054 스타터 모터VCDS로 이렇게 진단 메시지를 확인 해야 겠습니다 시
VCDS로 이렇게 진단 메시지를 확인 해야 겠습니다
시동 장치가 기계적으로 막히거나 전기적인 고장을 일으켰다
'방금 전까지만해도 움직이던 차가 시동이 안걸린다
환장할 노릇이죠'
P305400 - Starter fails to turn Electrical/mechanical fault
P305400 - 시동기가 돌지 못한다. 전기적 / 기계적 결함
Starter does not turn Mechanically blocked or electrical malfunction
시동 장치가 켜지지 않음 기계적으로 막혔거나 전기적 고장
오류코드 목록 (모바일로 보기)
Volkswagen Jetta (Vento) 2010-2016 error codes
(Engine CFFB 2.0TDI (EDC 17 UDS))
번역▶PC용 보기 링크 클릭
Code | Error | Error type |
P001600 | Camshaft timing advance (Bank 1) | incorrect assignment |
P004500 | Boost pressure control (bank 1) | open circuit |
P004700 | Boost pressure control (bank 1) | Short circuit to earth |
P004800 | Boost pressure control (bank 1) | Short circuit to plus |
P007100 | IAT sensor | not plausible |
P007200 | IAT sensor | Signal too small |
P007300 | IAT sensor | Signal too large |
P008700 | Fuel pressure, rail | too low |
P008800 | Fuel pressure, rail | too high |
P009000 | Fuel shutoff valve | open circuit |
P009100 | Fuel shutoff valve | short to earth |
P009200 | Fuel shutoff valve | short to B+ |
P00AF00 | Exhaust-gas turbocharger control unit 1 | mechanical fault |
P010100 | Air- mass sensor | signal improbable |
P010200 | Air- mass sensor | signal too low |
P010300 | Air- mass sensor | signal too high |
P010400 | Air- mass sensor | no signal |
P010500 | Intake manifold pressure sensor | Power supply |
P010600 | Intake-manifold/air pressure | signal improbable |
P010700 | Intake-manifold/air pressure | signal too low |
P011100 | IAT sensor | signal improbable |
P011200 | IAT sensor | signal too low |
P011300 | IAT sensor | signal too high |
P011600 | Coolant temperature sensor | signal improbable |
P011700 | Coolant temperature sensor | signal too low |
P011800 | Coolant temperature sensor | signal too high |
P012100 | Throttle-valve position sensor | signal improbable |
P012200 | Throttle-valve position sensor | signal too high |
P012300 | Throttle-valve position sensor | signal too high |
P013000 | O2 sensor (bank 1, sensor 1) | Circuit defective |
P013200 | O2 sensor (bank 1, sensor 1) | signal too high |
P013300 | O2 sensor (bank 1, sensor 1) | Signal too slow |
P013500 | O2 sensor heater circuit (bank 1, sensor 1) | Circuit defective |
P018100 | Fuel-temperature sensor | signal improbable |
P018200 | Fuel temperature sensor | short to earth |
P018300 | Fuel temperature sensor | open circuit/positive short |
P019100 | Fuel high-pressure sensor | signal improbable |
P019200 | Fuel high-pressure sensor | short to earth |
P019300 | Fuel high-pressure sensor | short to B+ |
P019600 | Engine oil temperature sensor | signal improbable |
P019700 | Engine oil temperature sensor | signal too low |
P019800 | Engine oil temperature sensor | signal too high |
P020100 | Injection valve (cylinder 1) | Circuit defective |
P020200 | Injection valve (cylinder 2) | Circuit defective |
P020300 | Injection valve (cylinder 3) | Circuit defective |
P020400 | Injection valve (cylinder 4) | Circuit defective |
P020500 | Injection valve (cylinder 5) | Circuit defective |
P020600 | Injection valve (cylinder 6) | Circuit defective |
P021900 | Engine speed | Limit exceeded |
P023400 | Boost pressure control | above control limit |
P023600 | Boost pressure sensor | signal improbable |
P023700 | Boost pressure sensor | signal too low |
P023800 | Boost pressure sensor | signal too high |
P025A00 | Fuel supply control unit (PEM) actuation | open circuit |
P025C00 | Fuel supply control unit (PEM) actuation | short to earth |
P025D00 | Fuel supply control unit (PEM) actuation | short to B+ |
P026300 | Cylinder 1 | Injected fuel quantity deviation |
P026600 | Cylinder 2 | Injected fuel quantity deviation |
P026900 | Cylinder 3 | Injected fuel quantity deviation |
P027200 | Cylinder 4 | Injected fuel quantity deviation |
P027500 | Cylinder 5 | Injected fuel quantity deviation |
P027800 | Cylinder 6 | Injected fuel quantity deviation |
P029900 | Boost pressure control | below control limit |
P030000 | Combustion failure detected | |
P030100 | Combustion failure cylinder 1 detected | |
P030200 | Combustion failure cylinder 2 detected | |
P030300 | Combustion failure cylinder 3 detected | |
P030400 | Combustion failure cylinder 4 detected | |
P032100 | Crankshaft position sensor | signal improbable |
P032200 | Crankshaft position sensor | no signal |
P034100 | Camshaft position sensor 1 | signal improbable |
P038300 | Glow plug control unit 1 | Short circuit to earth |
P040000 | Exhaust-gas re-circulation | Faulty operation |
P040100 | Exhaust-gas re-circulation | Low flow rate |
P040200 | Exhaust-gas re-circulation | High flow rate |
P040300 | Exhaust-gas recirculation solenoid valve | Faulty operation |
P040500 | Exhaust-gas recirculation temperature sensor | signal too low |
P040600 | Exhaust-gas recirculation temperature sensor | signal too high |
P040B00 | Exhaust-gas recirculation temperature sensor | signal improbable |
P040C00 | Exhaust-gas recirculation temperature sensor | Signal too small |
P040D00 | Exhaust-gas recirculation temperature sensor | Signal too large |
P046C00 | Exhaust recirc. position sensor | signal improbable |
P048000 | Radiator fan actuation 1 | Circuit defective |
P050100 | Vehicle speed signal | signal improbable |
P050200 | Vehicle speed signal | too low |
P054400 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 | Circuit defective |
P054500 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 | short to earth |
P055500 | Brake booster pressure sensor | |
P055700 | Brake booster pressure sensor | |
P056200 | Power supply | signal too low |
P056300 | Power supply | signal too high |
P056800 | Cruise control operating device | signal improbable |
P057100 | Brake light switch | signal improbable |
P060200 | Control unit programming | Faulty operation |
P060500 | Control unit | Defective |
P060600 | Control unit | Defective |
P060700 | Control module | not plausible |
P061500 | Starter relay (actuation) | open circuit |
P061600 | Starter relay (actuation) | short to earth |
P061700 | Starter relay (actuation) | short to B+ |
P062700 | Electric fuel pump relay | electrical fault |
P062800 | Electric fuel pump relay | short to earth |
P062900 | Electric fuel pump relay | short to B+ |
P063400 | Control unit | Temperature shutoff |
P063400 | Control unit | Temperature shutoff |
P063800 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | signal improbable |
P064100 | Sensor reference voltage A | open circuit |
P064C00 | Glow duration control unit | |
P065100 | Sensor reference voltage B | open circuit |
P066A00 | Glow plug, cylinder 1 | Short circuit to earth |
P066C00 | Glow plug, cylinder 2 | Short circuit to earth |
P066E00 | Glow plug, cylinder 3 | Short circuit to earth |
P067000 | Glow plug control unit 1 | Circuit defective |
P067100 | Glow plug, cylinder 1 | Circuit defective |
P067200 | Glow plug, cylinder 2 | Circuit defective |
P067300 | Glow plug, cylinder3 | Circuit defective |
P067400 | Glow plug, cylinder 4 | Circuit defective |
P067500 | Glow plug, cylinder 5 | Circuit defective |
P067600 | Glow plug, cylinder6 | Circuit defective |
P067A00 | Glow plug, cylinder 4 | Short circuit to earth |
P067C00 | Glow plug, cylinders | Short circuit to earth |
P067E00 | Glow plug, cylinders | Short circuit to earth |
P068400 | Glow plug control unit 1 | signal improbable |
P068A00 | Main relay | Switch pttoo early |
P068B00 | Main relay | Switch pttoo late |
P069100 | Radiator fan actuation 1 | short to earth |
P069200 | Radiator fan actuation 1 | short to B+ |
P069700 | Sensor reference voltage C | open circuit |
P085000 | Signal for starter interlock {PIN) | open circuit/positive short |
P085100 | Signal for starter interlock (P/N) | short to earth |
P100E00 | Turbocharger | Faulty operation |
P102800 | Induction-pipe doors (actuation) | open circuit |
P102A00 | Braking torque limitation | Coolant temperature too high |
P102B00 | Braking torque limitation | Engine oil temp, outside spec, range |
P102C00 | Braking torque limitation | Excessively high fuel temperature |
P102D00 | Braking torque limitation | excessive intake air temperature |
P102E00 | Braking torque limitation | Excessive exhaust gas temperature |
P106500 | Fuel pressure regulation | Control difference |
P123700 | Injection valve (cylinder 1) | open circuit |
P123800 | Injection valve (cylinder 2) | open circuit |
P123900 | Injection valve (cylinder 3) | open circuit |
P124000 | Injection valve (cylinder 4) | open circuit |
P124100 | Injection valve (cylinder 5) | open circuit |
P124200 | Injection valve (cylinder 6) | open circuit |
P138700 | Control unit | Defective |
P138800 | Control unit | Defective |
P140000 | EGR electrically-operated valve | Circuit defective |
P140100 | EGR electrically-operated valve | short to earth |
P140200 | EGR electrically-operated valve | short to B+ |
P144000 | EGR electrically-operated valve | open circuit |
P145E00 | Particulate filter regeneration | Air mass too low |
P145F00 | Particulate filter regeneration | Air mass too high |
P150300 | Generator terminal DF (load signal) | signal improbable |
P154F00 | Boost pressure control | Faulty operation |
P157000 | Engine control unit disabled | disabled |
P159200 | Height sensor/ induction manifold pressure sensor | Invalid ratio |
P159D00 | Engine oil sensor | signal improbable |
P160300 | Control unit | Defective |
P160400 | Control unit | Defective |
P160A00 | Control unit | Defective |
P161200 | Engine control unit | incorrect coding |
P162400 | Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) request on | active |
P163E00 | Control unit | Defective |
P164000 | Control unit | Defective |
P164700 | Control units (drive train) | Check variant coding |
P164A00 | Oil pressure switch 1 | signal improbable |
P164B00 | Oil pressure switch 1 | Faulty operation |
P164C00 | Oil pressure switch 2 | signal improbable |
P164D00 | Oil pressure switch 2 | Faulty operation |
P164E00 | Oil pressure control valve 1 | electrical fault |
P165700 | Air-conditioning system interface | short to B+ |
P165F00 | Oil pressure control valve 1 | short to earth |
P167E00 | Start/stop button actuation | |
P168200 | CAN data bus | Implausible message from ABS CU |
P169800 | Steering column electronics | Read out fault memory |
P169A00 | Transportation mode | active |
P172300 | Starter interlock | open circuit |
P172400 | Starter interlock | short to earth |
P172900 | Starter interlock | short to B+ |
P192500 | Coolant auxiliary pump relay | short to B+ |
P192600 | Coolant auxiliary pump relay | short to earth |
P192700 | Coolant auxiliary pump relay | open circuit |
P194400 | Radiator fan control unit 1 | Excess temperature |
P194500 | Radiator fan control unit 1 | Short circuit (fan actuation) |
P194600 | Radiator fan control unit 1 | Defective |
P195000 | Radiator fan | Sluggish/blocked |
P200200 | Diesel particulate filter (bank 1) | Faulty operation |
P200400 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap B1 | Flap sticks open |
P200500 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap B2 | Flap sticks open |
P200600 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap B1 | Flap sticks shut |
P200700 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap B2 | Flap sticks shut |
P200800 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap | electrical fault |
P200900 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap | short to earth |
P201000 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap | short to B+ |
P201100 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap 2 | electrical fault |
P201200 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap 2 | short to earth |
P201300 | Intake-manifold/in-cylinder flow flap 2 | short to B+ |
P201500 | Intake manifold flap position sensor | signal improbable |
P201600 | Intake manifold flap position sensor | short to earth |
P201700 | Intake manifold flap position sensor | short to B+ |
P202000 | Intake manifold flap position sensor 2 | signal improbable |
P202100 | Intake manifold flap position sensor 2 | short to earth |
P202200 | Intake manifold flap position sensor 2 | short to B+ |
P208000 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 | signal improbable |
P210000 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | open circuit |
P210100 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | Faulty operation |
P210200 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | Signal too small |
P210300 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | Signal too large |
P211100 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | Sticks open |
P211200 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | Sticks shut |
P212200 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 | signal too low |
P212300 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 | Signal too large |
P212700 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 2 | signal too low |
P212800 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 2 | signal too high |
P213800 | Accelerator pedal position sensor 1/2 | signal improbable |
P214600 | Power supply, injection valves bank 1 | open circuit |
P214900 | Power supply, injection valves bank 2 | open circuit |
P218300 | Coolant temperature sensor at radiator outlet | signal improbable |
P218400 | Coolant temperature sensor at radiator outlet | Signal too small |
P218500 | Coolant temperature sensor at radiator outlet | Signal too large |
P219500 | O2 sensor (bank 1, sensor 1) | System too lean |
P219600 | O2 sensor (bank 1, sensor 1) | System too rich |
P223700 | Lambda sensor (Bank 1, Sensor 1) pump current | open circuit |
P224300 | Lambda sensor (Bank 1, Sensor 1) reference voltage | open circuit |
P225100 | Lambda sensor (bank 1, sensor 1) ground wire | open circuit |
P227900 | Intake system | Air leakage |
P229400 | Fuel pressure regulation valve | open circuit |
P229500 | Fuel pressure regulation valve | short to earth |
P229600 | Fuel pressure regulation valve | short to B+ |
P241400 | O2 sensor (bank 1, sensor 1) | Air leakage |
P242500 | EGR cooling | open circuit |
P242600 | EGR cooling switching valve | short to earth |
P242700 | EGR cooling switching valve | short to B+ |
P242A00 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor (bank 1, sensor 3) | electrical fault |
P242B00 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor (bank 1, sensor 3) | signal improbable |
P242C00 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor (bank 1, sensor 3) | short to earth |
P242F00 | Diesel particulate filter (bank 1) | Filter overloaded |
P245200 | Particulate filter differential pressure sensor/bank 1 | electrical fault |
P245300 | Particulate filter differential pressure sensor/bank 1 | signal improbable |
P245400 | Particulate filter differential pressure sensor/bank 1 | short to earth |
P245800 | Diesel particulate filter | |
P246300 | Diesel particulate filter (bank 1) | Filter overloaded |
P246E00 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor (bank 1, sensor 4) | electrical fault |
P246F00 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor (bank 1, sensor 4) | signal improbable |
P247000 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor (bank 1, sensor 4) | short to earth |
P256300 | Charge pressure actuator position sensor | signal improbable |
P256400 | Charge pressure actuator position sensor | Signal too small |
P256500 | Charge pressure actuator position sensor | Signal too large |
P261000 | Control unit | Defective |
P261A00 | Coolant circulation pump 2 | open circuit |
P261C00 | Coolant circulation pump 2 | short to earth |
P261D00 | Coolant circulation pump 2 | short to B+ |
P263200 | Electric fuel pump relay 2 | open circuit |
P263300 | Electric fuel pump relay 2 | short to earth |
P263400 | Electric fuel pump relay 2 | short to B+ |
P300700 | Camshaft position sensor | Signal missing |
P304300 | Electric fuel pump | mechanical fault |
P304400 | Electric fuel pump | short circuit |
P304500 | Fuel pump control unit | Defective |
P304600 | Starter relay 1 | Circuit defective |
P304700 | Starter relay 2 (actuation) | short to B+ |
P304800 | Starter relay 2 (actuation) | short to earth |
P304900 | Starter relay 2 (actuation) | open circuit |
P305000 | Starter relay 2 | Circuit defective |
P305200 | Starter control (feedback terminal 50) | short to B+ |
P305300 | Starter control (feedback terminal 50) | open circuit/earth short |
P305400 | Starter fails to turn 시동기가 돌지 못한다 |
Electrical/mechanical fault 전기적 / 기계적 결함 |
P307300 | Electric fuel pump | Electrical fault in circuit |
P308800 | Starter relay | Electrical fault in circuit |
P308D00 | Electric fuel pump | |
P308E00 | Fuel pump control unit | |
P319E00 | Intake manifold flap 2 (actuation) | open circuit/earth short |
P324300 | Throttle valve (TV) control unit | electrical fault |
P334800 | Exhaust-gas turbocharger control unit 1 actuation | Electrical fault in circuit |
U000100 | CAN bus, drive | no communication |
U000200 | CAN bus, drive | no communication |
U002800 | Hybrid control unit CAN bus | |
U002900 | Hybrid control unit CAN bus | |
U003700 | CAN bus/internal (Master/Slave) | |
U003800 | CAN bus/internal (Master/Slave) | |
U010100 | Communication with transmission control | no communication |
U012100 | Communication with ABS/ESP | no communication |
U012600 | Communication with steering wheel angle sensor | no communication |
U012800 | Communication with parking brake | no communication |
U014000 | Central electronics control unit | no communication |
UO14100 | Central electronics 2 control unit | no communication |
U014600 | Communication with gateway | no communication |
U015100 | Communication with airbag control unit | no communication |
U015500 | Communication with instrument cluster | no communication |
U016400 | Communication with air conditioner control unit | no communication |
U021200 | Steering column switch group | no communication |
U030200 | Communication with transmission control | Software incompatible |
U040200 | Communication with transmission control | signal improbable |
U041500 | Communication with ABS/ESP | signal improbable |
U041700 | Communication with parking brake | signal improbable |
U042100 | Central electronics control unit | signal improbable |
U042200 | Central electronics control unit | |
U042300 | Instrument cluster | signal improbable |
U042400 | Air conditioner | signal improbable |
U042900 | Steering column switch group | signal improbable |
U043100 | Central electronics 2 control unit | signal improbable |
U043300 | Communication with autonomous cruise control | signal improbable |
U044700 | Gateway | signal improbable |
U100800 | CAN bus (diagnosis interface) | |
U101900 | Instrument cluster | Engine oil temperature implausible |
U102A00 | CAN bus/internal (Master/Slave) | |
U102B00 | CAN bus/internal (Master/Slave) | |
U110300 | Production mode | active |
U111200 | Function restriction due to implausible message | |
U111300 | Function restriction due to fault value received | |
U140A00 | Terminal 30 |
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